Llangollen Wharf

Wharf Hill,
Llangollen, Denbighshire
LL20 8TA
United Kingdom


General description

Llangollen Wharf is one of the major attractions in the North Wales market town of Llangollen and is now part of a World Heritage Site. From the Wharf you can embark on either a horse drawn boat trip along the feeder for the main canal, or a motorised aqueduct cruise which takes you across the famous Pontcysyllte Aqueduct built by Thomas Telford. Both these trips take in the magical sights and sounds of the beautiful Llangollen Canal. Longer horse drawn trips can be arranged for large groups. At the Wharf you can browse in our gift shop or enjoy a leisurely cup of tea or coffee and home made cake in our tea room, with views over the canal and town.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Adults, Children

This is an indoor/outdoor location. The average cost for an adult is 5 Pounds, and for a child is 3 Pounds.


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from 1 person
from 1 person

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