Golders Hill Park

NW11 7QP
United Kingdom

General description

This park is an amazing space. A lot of it is open stretches of grassland, with specimen trees dotted here and there. There are tennis courts right by the entrance thats nearest to Golders Green tube station, which is also great. There are at least two ponds, which are beautifully stocked with marsh and water plants. The less wild pond, in the more populated area, has lots and lots (and lots!) of birds, many of them wild. There’s a proper English flower garden, a formal one, a cafe and toilets. There’s a field of deer! Amazing, outside of Richmond Park.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Adults, Children, Family

This is an indoor/outdoor location. The average cost for an adult is 0 Pounds, and for a child is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
Family suitability
from 1 person
from 1 person

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