Syon Park

London Rd
Brentford, Middlesex
United Kingdom

General description

Syon Park, situated halfway between Central London and Heathrow Airport, is the home of the Duke of Northumberland. Set within the 200 acre park something can be found for all the family. As well as the House and Gardens discover the Snakes and Ladders indoor adventure playground, the Aquatic Experience. Housed in the former stables is Wyevale garden centre, an aquatic retail outlet, pet care supplies and needlecraft centre. Nearby is an art centre and a National Trust gift shop. Enjoy a snack or lunch in the Patio Cafeteria, or picnic by the lake in the gardens.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Adults, Children, Family, Park

This is an indoor location. The average cost for an adult is 0 Pounds, and for a child is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
Family suitability
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Syon Park

With both the Tropical Zoo and Snakes and Ladders this place is great fun. Also a garden centre.
Quite annoying to get too but great for a long day out.
Tropical Zoo about 3-4 hours, Snakes and Ladders about 2 hours.

Left by Ilana on Thu 30 Dec 2010 11:53

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