Chelsea Playground

400 Chelsea Rd
Staten Island
United States

General description

The playground is set up very nicely. The play area is gated and children need to remove their shoes before entering. You receive a wristband for your entire party. The left and right side are set up like a town with different shops (veterinarian, post office, grocery store, etc). Each shop has different activities. In the back there was a climbing area with nets, slides, and a small toddler play area. The area is convenient from the West Shore Expwy but is very industrial. The parking lot is small, there is street parking but if you park across the street you have to park right against the weeds to stay off the road, and you will be unable to use your passenger side doors. Great place for young children.

Other information

Type(s): Children

This is an indoor location. The average cost for an adult is 5 Dollars, and for a child is 10 Dollars.


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from 1 person
from 1 person

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