Daisy Nook Country Park

Stannybrook Road
Failsworth, Oldham
North West
M35 9WJ
United Kingdom


General description

Daisy Nook is a country park with woodland, canals, river, picnic sites, bird watching, orienteering and fishing.
Families can have a fun-packed day in the countryside with two fantastic play areas set amongst 40 hectares of woodlands, meadows, waterways and a lake.
Tots Lock - a narrow boat play feature with sand play areas aimed at under 5’s - reflecting the area’s industrial past, and the adventure playscape (designed for 6- 14 yr olds) with a wetland nature area, log balances, scrambling boulders, cradle swing, rock hill fort and banking slide entrance.
You can also enjoy a stroll along the wheel/push-chair accessible canal towpath, fishing at one of the three angling ponds (day tickets available), a permanent orienteering course (recently updated) and the footpaths and bridleways that link to surrounding countryside and Park Bridge Heritage Centre.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Adults, Children, Lake, Park

This is an outdoor location. The average cost for an adult is 0 Pounds, and for a child is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
Family suitability
from 1 person
from 1 person

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