Trentham Monkey Forest

Trentham Estate
Stone Road, Trentham
United Kingdom

General description

Monkey forest is 60 acres of beautiful woodland and meadows where 140 monkeys live in total freedom. You are plunged into the Barbary macaques fascinating world as you hear rustling in the trees, chattering in a strange language of sounds and mimicry, and chasing one another through the branches. To your right there is a male carrying a baby on his back, on your left are two females grooming each other, and in the trees are young monkeys doing acrobatics between the branches. Walking along the path you are transported into a different world of animal magic!

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Family, Themepark, Zoo

This is an indoor location. The average cost for an adult is 12 Pounds, and for a child is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
Family suitability
from 1 person
from 1 person

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