Cooks' Cottage, Fitzroy Gardens

Wellington Parade
East Melbourne
VIC 3002

General description

A visit to Cooks' Cottage is a must when exploring Melbourne

Discover Melbourne's rich history and how Cooks' Cottage came to be one the city's great landmarks.

Learn all about Captain James Cook's life, his amazing voyages and his tragic death, in the Discovery Centre, including the legacy he left for future generations.
Experience what life was like in the eighteenth century, as you walk through this double-storey cottage and its traditional English cottage garden.
Listen to the sounds of the Cook family sitting down to a family meal and hear their excitement when their son, Captain James Cook returns from his latest voyage.
Stroll through a beautiful English cottage garden and learn about how these home grown herbs and plants were used in the good old days.

Become a member of an eighteenth century family by posing for the perfect photo opportunity and create your own slice of history.

Help preserve this historic landmark by visiting Cooks' Cottage and purchasing a souvenir.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Children, Family

This is an indoor location. The average cost for an adult is 5 Australian Dollar, and for a child is 3 Australian Dollar.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
Family suitability
from 1 person
from 1 person

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